Online Registration Form for Millat Talent Search Exam across the Nation


1. While filling out your application form, you'll have the opportunity to select the course that best suits your aspirations.
2. Choose a course from the given options in the ‘Course Interested’ dropdown list: the options are (IIT-JEE / NEET / NDA / CLAT / CA FOUNDATION & UPSC)
3. The MTSE will be conducted on: 1st December 2024 at 24 states and 120+ cities across India.
4. Registration Fee: Rs.100 per candidate.
5. Payment Instructions: Upon submitting your registration details, a reference number (also serving as your hall ticket number) will be generated. Please make a note of this number, as it will be required when making your payment.
To complete your payment:
Option 1: QR Code Payment:
Scan the provided QR code to proceed with the payment. Ensure that you enter the candidate’s name and hall ticket/reference number in the payment remarks.
Use the following format for the Remarks: [8 Digits Ref. Number]

Option 2: Net Banking
You can also make the payment via net banking using the details below:

Account Name: MS Research Foundation
Account Number: 059605002753
IFSC Code: ICIC0000596

When making the payment, please ensure that the remarks section contains the following:
Remarks: [8 Digits Ref. Number]

I, hereby, declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and if I am selected I will abide by the rules and regulations of the MFERD.